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Focus on students' mental health during the epidemic -- Parents, I want to say to you...

2022-11-14 17:24:09

Dear parents and friends,

Hello, you all!At present, due to the epidemic, children are in an abnormal state of learning, and it is very important to pay attention to students' physical and mental health and learning, and at this stage for children who study and live at home for a long time, mental health issues are more important。Thank you for your support and hard work. I hope our family and school can work together to make every child grow up healthily!If you have any problems in helping your child, you can communicate and exchange more with our teachers. Below we will make the following instructions and suggestions on how to better help your child grow healthily。

In the midst of the epidemic, we are faced with serious challenges that we have to pay close attention to。

Harbin Technical School

I. The main challenges we face are:

1. Special situations faced by children under the epidemic, such as staying at home for a long time, small and closed home space, and lack of play and communication with peers for a long time;

2, children are prone to emotional and behavioral problems, such as emotional depression, resistance, antagonistic behavior, laziness and procrastination, learning enthusiasm is not high;

3, a variety of special circumstances superimposed resulting in parent-child relationship is easier to tension;

4, parents themselves also appear some psychological and behavioral conditions, such as anxiety, impatience, powerlessness, suffering, irritability and other emotions and behaviors;

5, due to learning caused by a variety of mutual transmission of pressure;

6. The particularity of "Classroom in the Air" itself and the many problems it brings。

Only by paying attention to and taking some appropriate measures, can we effectively alleviate a series of emotional problems, behavioral problems and other problems shown by children, so that they can learn better and live happily, and also ensure the mental health of children, prevent and effectively resolve possible psychological crises。Therefore, during the epidemic prevention and control and "air class" period, we should pay more attention to the mental health status of children than usual。

Second, understanding is the premise of attention

1. Understand the particularity and significance of the current epidemic situation and special environment on children's psychological impact;

2. Understand the objectivity and inevitability of children's psychological and behavioral problems;

3. Understand that "classroom in the air" is an alternative education plan that has to be taken, and it is better to accept and adapt to it;

4, understand and cooperate with the teacher's "classroom in the air" education and teaching work and assist in optimization, in order to better solve the problems of children;

5, understand that every child's feelings and every behavior has its internal logic, and try to find a way to solve the problem。

3. Pay special attention to what you want to achieve

1, to timely understand the child's true inner feelings and problems, confusion;

2, to accept and find ways to solve the child's troubles and problems;

3, to convey respect, warmth and support to children;

4, to timely attention to the child's abnormal mood or behavior, the possible psychological crisis to do early detection, early warning, early linkage, early intervention;

5, give children psychological positive energy, really effectively promote their learning and life。

Iv. Several principles and practices of particular concern

1, put life safety and physical and mental health in the first place;

2, first channel emotions, then solve the problem;

3, the establishment of equality, respect, warmth, mutual acceptance of parent-child relationship as a premise;

4, let the child truly feel the love of parents: there are many ways, such as appreciation and expression of the child's affirmation, appropriate physical contact, necessary gifts, effective companionship, providing service support;

5, usually pay attention to strengthen parent-child interaction and communication。

Five, five, special attention to the "six yes, six no"

· Listen, not ignore;

· Accept, not reject;

· Be equal, not condescending;

· Be warm, not cold;

· To be coordinated and consistent, not to tear each other apart (educational concepts and methods);

· Be calm, not emotional。

Harbin Technical School

Particular attention is paid to specific methods

Give your child a correct understanding of frustration:

First of all, tell the child that "anyone will have difficulties at the beginning", encourage the child to stick to the end, let the child believe that he has the ability to resist setbacks, and have the courage to face setbacks。Secondly, to attribute the failure to the wrong method they took, or the degree of effort is insufficient, then the child will have further growth and improvement motivation。

Give your child the opportunity to experience failure:

To establish a correct view of winning and losing for children, when playing with children, do not blindly accommodate children and let children。We need to make it clear to our children that there are many possibilities, some people will win, some people will lose, but these are only temporary, and there will be more challenges in the future。

Give your child problem-solving skills back, rather than doing it for them:

Cooking for the first time,Wash the dishes,A clean up...When children face so many small challenges in life, parents should also be willing to let their children try, rather than doing it alone。When your child faces frustration, allow him to cry, and let him realize after crying that the problem needs to be solved by himself, not arbitrarily。

Identify and relieve children's emotions:

The problems children face are very small to adults, but they are very important to children。If the child seeks the help of parents, be sure to identify with the child's emotions, such as sadness, helplessness, and analyze from the child's perspective to help the child overcome difficulties together。In many cases, the company of parents and families, facing together, can make them produce more courage to face setbacks。

Encourage children to vent their emotions:

Some emotions are normal in the face of difficulties。To let the child vent out do not blindly suppress。Let the child vent, but also encourage the child to keep trying。You know, the best way to control the flood is never blocking but dredging。Negative emotions are not so terrible, teach children to bravely face the vulnerability of the heart, catharsis is the cure。

Frequently asked questions and suggestions

Home activities less, children feel bored, parents and children are very angry how to do?

Big home at home, feeling bored and boring, this is a normal emotional response。Parents can learn to watch for signs of impending anger and try to reduce their anxiety。Try taking a deep breath, visualizing a pleasant situation, silently counting or stepping away for a moment, and telling yourself: Stay calm!Parents must first express their understanding and acceptance of their children's emotions, and then teach their children to express their emotions through sports, singing, writing and other ways。Parents can also take time to carry out some family activities, such as housework, games, interaction and so on。Rich activities can not only enhance parent-child emotional interaction, but also let the child have a good mood。

The child lives and learns not regularly every day, I go to manage him, and I lose my temper, how to do?

Take the initiative to explore the special value of the present stage, and use the home-learning period of the epidemic to cultivate children's sense of self-discipline。Parents can discuss and negotiate with their children to make plans。Make a schedule together, each family member a copy, mutual supervision, mutual reward and punishment。Parents change from caregivers to educators, listeners, friends and even learners of their children。If the child loses his temper, the parent can say his feelings and hope, without losing his temper with the child。Communication should allow the child to have the opportunity to speak, hold different points of view, and give the child the necessary opportunity to argue。

The child thinks I am verbose, say two more words is annoying, often quarrel for small things, how to do?

The child has his own independent ideas, during which he talks with him as a friend and listens to his inner thoughts。Keep arguments to a minimum and get him used to talking to his parents。Parents should maintain an inclusive and peaceful state of mind when they see their children's shortcomings, calmly say their feelings or put forward hopes, reduce and eliminate meaningless nagging, give him a quiet space to do things, and let him solve various problems according to his own plan。Parents only need to give him encouragement, so that he can work hard。

Children on a good online class every day, do nothing, remind a little move a little, how to do?

A lot of times, a child may be doing nothing because they can't manage their time。With a daily schedule and weekly class schedule, children have something to do at home and follow the learning progress each week, which will lead a fulfilling and meaningful life。During the day, the things that should be done, the homework that should be learned is completed, and the family rest and communicate at night, the parent-child time is particularly sweet。A colorful family life can be arranged, such as reading, games, sports, housework, artistic creation and so on。It can also train children to learn to cook and wash clothes, which will benefit children for life。Home affairs should be let go to the child to do some, even if there are some mistakes, but also insist on trusting the child, so that the child will have a sense of accomplishment, gradually develop good habits。

Children don't sleep at night, can't stand up in the morning, have no spirit all day, and have no heart to study。What should I do??

First, parents should lead by example。Parents work and rest normally every day and lead a regular life。Secondly, you can decorate a room with the taste of a classroom to increase the sense of learning ritual。Parents and children then work together to create a family schedule and monitor each other。The schedule includes learning, sports, entertainment, housework and other time arrangements, so that children know their responsibilities and obligations through housework, in addition to managing themselves, but also to manage family affairs with their parents。

The child is said to be online class, in fact secretly watching TV, how to do?

First parents should set rules for their children。Rules based on love and in line with the child's abilities should not be too demanding。When setting rules, discuss with your child the consequences of breaking them。Secondly, give children the opportunity to choose and watch TV series in the time period of their own choice。Parents should not let their children listen to the lesson alone while playing with their mobile phones。It is recommended that parents with conditions listen to their children, take notes together, and think together。Children do not understand where to guide and encourage。With the effective accompaniment of parents, children's online classes will have good results。

Children look at the mobile phone time is obviously much longer, pick up can not put down how to do?

Parents can first talk with their children calmly and express their concern for the current situation of their children and their inner worries as parents。Secondly, parents and children should make study plans and family activity plans together to enrich family life。This can not only improve the child's independent learning ability in the learning process, but also promote the parent-child relationship。In addition to learning at home, provide children with rich opportunities to participate in family life experience。

The child is not looking at the mobile phone or the computer all day, very worried about his eyesight, how to do?

First of all, we should reasonably arrange the use time of electronic products, control the amount of eye use and the intensity of eye use, and the continuous eye use time should not be too long。Secondly, pay attention to eye hygiene, blink more and look far away so that the eyes can relax and rest。Develop good eating and sleeping habits, balanced nutrition, and ensure sleep rest time。In the rare parent-child time, participate in family activities together, let children experience the fun of life, reduce the use of electronic products。

Children online class always touch the west touch, attention is not concentrated how to do?

When children study, they should create a good learning atmosphere at home to reduce the interference of irrelevant things。Before the child's online class, you can arrange the desk with the child, leaving only the textbooks and learning tools needed in learning on the desk, reducing the immediate interference, and enhancing the sense of ceremony before learning。In the process of children's online lessons, try to keep the learning environment quiet and reduce the interference brought by the surrounding environment。After the children's online course learning, timely do the desk arrangement, for the completion of homework and the next class to prepare for learning。

Website of this article:http://fidm.90bc.net/news/522.html

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